Please let me try to explain some of the great happenings out here in the DOWN UNDER. So far, I have learned that the base here in Townsville is remarkable. The staff here is grounded. I appreciate that. They are true leaders. Not whimpy spiritual people... real men and women of God. That is good. Our team leader, Buddy, is 26, and has the spiritual maturity of most elders in the church. Of course he is humble too, so he wouldn't admit that. But our team has responded great to his leadership. The team is growing in unity as well. We are being challenged deeply during our lectures. My journal is already 6 pages long, full of scribbled notes and Scripture. Essentially, we are being stretched, challenged, humbled, and mostly... SO EXCITED FOR WHAT'S NEXT!
Stay tuned, in the next few days we will announce all the details about our outreach locations! It will be unlike any other DTS that YWAM runs...
Interesting fact of the day: I have seen wild kangaroo in the outskirts of Townsville, and I have also eaten Kangaroo Kabobs. Cool!
Ahhh I love your posts from both of you boyz! Love to hear about your days from both your resepctive perspectives. Thank you for the photos, thank God someone has a camera there to take them with. Love what you're learning so that you're stretching and growing. Keep the updates coming. We miss you so much and we too have sad puppy dog faces when we think about you. Thanks Jason for the verbal photo, I literally thought I was there with you as you as you described the phone photo scene. Thank you so much for taking the time to update us back in the states. Will be watching more from your blog. xoxo Mom xoxo